Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Drang the Devious

It's been a while since I've done a drawing of merit, let alone attempted a painting. I feel a bit rusty. This is the first piece of concept art for a short film my production company is planning on creating in the coming six months to a year.


  1. Nice work, Kevin.
    There's a section that's particularly intriguing to me — his left eye surrounded by all the reflected red light. If you cropped way up on that, you could get a really fantastic promotional image out of it.
    Best of luck with the film. Keep posting!

  2. BTW, I took some watercolors to a figure drawing session last night. The results were only so-so, but it was the first time I had attempted that in a while, so I graded myself on a steep curve.

    To make a long story short, I can relate to your story, and I applaud you for getting back in the saddle and pulling this one out —yee-Haw!

  3. Nice work Kevin. It makes me want to put on a little Queen tunes from Flash Gorden ;)

    This makes me very curious about the short film.
