Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shermin the Vermin - Resurrected!

Yes, I have finally re-launched my comic "Shermin the Vermin." As nasty as he wants to be.

Shermin will be updated at least weekly. I've got three more of his comics ready to be posted and two more waiting to be born. 

Not for the easily offended, but he may be for you. Go see 'em at the Shermin the Vermin blog.(


  1. Excellent design Brian!

    It would make a great greeting card.

  2. Looks great. If you want send me a 125x125 banner ad and I'll ad it to my comics links.

  3. Good to see Shermin back in action.

  4. Brian,

    I forgot to have you sign the print I bought from you.
    Give me a heads up next time you're coming to lunch and I'll bring it.

  5. Bearman & Daryll - I'll be taking care o' business in person this week. Thanks, all y'all.
