Here is an invitation to join a group discussion about starting an Arts Business course, to be offered at the Miami University VOA site in Mason. Passed along to me from David Macejko...these are the same folks that put together the show this past winter for Chris Payne, Bill Cigliano and myself. I couldn't figure out how to attach the pdf to this so see below for a cut & pasted version of the invitation details if you're interested in participating.
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE June 8, 2010You are invited for a glass of wine and to participate in a focus group discussion at the
Fine Arts Fund Community Room on Tuesday, June 29 starting at 5:15 p.m. and ending
at 6:30 p.m.
The Miami University School of Fine Arts with the advice of the Fine Arts Fund is looking
to implement an arts management certificate program. The purpose of the June 29
meeting is to gain a better understanding of the business and professional development
needs of visual artists and small arts organizations.
We hope to learn from you the challenges facing you as artists and business managers,
the skills that would be most helpful in helping you run and sustain your arts business,
and the logistics of a program – time commitment, costs, location – that would fit your
schedules and budgets.
Your input is vital to the development of a program that meets the needs of the visual
arts community. We hope you will attend and look forward to talking with you as we
begin the process of developing this program.
Please RSVP by Friday, June 25 to Susan Thomas at or 513-529-
1490; or contact us if you have any questions. Your comments are appreciated even if you
are unable to participate in the focus group.
The Fine Arts Fund offices are located in downtown Cincinnati at 20 East Central Parkway,
Suite 200. We look forward to seeing you on the 29th.
Susan Thomas
Director of Arts Management
Dr. James Lentini
Miami University School of Fine Arts
104 Center for Performing Arts - Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 529.6010