Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Waiting Room Cartoon

With all the health care discussion going on these days, here is a cartoon I did for my friend Allen Freeman's comic SlamBang a couple years ago... I especially like the usage of the comic as a filtration device.


  1. I can't say what I want to say here - but Joe Wilson said it first...

    (This is a great piece, BTW.)

  2. A perplexing statement, Brian, but I think you may have summed up why it's so great to get to the lunches from time to time. This blog is a fantastic forum, but no substitute for getting together for casual conversation.

    Christina, thanks for sharing! Step 3 at the bottom is my favorite part too!

  3. One question. What is that liquid substance on the floor? ewwww

    Good stuff!!

  4. Hilarious. Fun to see a piece that shows a different style.

  5. Well Chuck, I hope you are able to make it to the luncheon on the 23rd at the art museum. Viki said Chris plans to be there so it should be a fun time with added art :)

  6. Thanks for the tip! It would be great to see Gabe as well. I'll do my best.

  7. Hey - I know that nurse...great stuff Christina!
