Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cap'n Catnip news

Great news for everyone who enjoys reading their comics digitally. (And, face it, who doesn’t?) ComiXology, the leading provider of downloadable comics is offering Cap’n Catnip #1 for the low, low price of 99 cents. ComiXology is a free app for your favorite device that gives you access to over 40,000 titles, new and old, in one convienent, easy to search location. The New York Times calls it “the iTunes of comics.”

Here’s a little background on Cap’n Catnip, he was created in 1981, written by John Leasure and drawn by me for Charlton Comics’ Bullseye #2. More stories followed, but Charlton stopped publishing before the other stories could run. Now all the work has been collected in a newly colored collection that also includes some new pin-ups and other material. It’s fun for all ages.

Just follow this link:


  1. Here's hoping they pick up Zombie Marge too. I submitted them last October and had forgotten all about it.

  2. 1981?! That's waaay before desktop publishing. Were you old enough to hold a pencil?
    Seriously, this looks great, Tim!

  3. This is old school, Chuck. All hand drawn and hand lettered. But the original color was horrible. They ignored all my color guides. So this one has been recolored in Photoshop and Illustrator the way I wanted it.

  4. You are the George Lucas of comics!

  5. Awesomeness. Great to see the Cap'n getting exposed…more exposure…oh, bother.
