Monday, October 24, 2011

CityBeat cover

Once upon a time, I worked for CityBeat. I drew a weekly editorial cartoon, several covers, and then a weekly sports cartoon. After a two year hiatus, I finally was asked to do this week's cover (with a little reminder from me). Here it is. Sans Dirty Rat!


  1. Hello Josh.
    So do I, but I can't convince Barry Forbis, the Sports Editor at the Enquirer, to bring me and Dirty Rat back.

  2. That turned out great Jerry. Love the chins... Will it be out by Wednesday?

  3. It hit the streets Wednesday. They have asked for permission to send it to other alternative papers to run also.
    I based the chins and attitude on a former art director named Red Rowe, although we had other names for him.

  4. I just got word that the alternative paper in Louisville ran it too.
