Kennedy Heights
Arts Center is seeking submissions of work in all media for our winter
juried show. Deadline for entries in October 23.
All Things Unexplained
is a juried art exhibition encompassing all facets of myths, folklore
and urban legends. These narratives possess a mysterious and eternal
story. Relayed by word of mouth or written in books, from fairies to
ghosts, mermaids to gods, these tales live on forever. Myths, folklore,
and urban legends comprise many genres including oral history, music,
proverbs, riddles, popular beliefs, fairy tales, stories, tall tales,
and cultural customs. Express your version of any of these themes in any
medium of art.
Submission Procedure:
Artists are invited to submit up to three pieces with a non-refundable entry fee of $25. Members of the Kennedy Heights Arts Center's Guild may submit a maximum of four pieces at no cost. Fees can be paid online via Paypal at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001H0ruZqm8y6StgEFpGKDrLvbit1I9GhFdQcmY89uT-eClNEBY57j6Sb8uT0jL9sXYcgzAn7bio4DNmu85G05bd8MRxPOBekxb7Ta4QZ60KljJFxHMmIt-JKu_gMEZTj8lvzHHj8IXRq9CpYNSnJKRA_t3C2CxushT_F8yY71N8dLg_x_EOY3SpGDUWJ-2tvh6zvQsQIRr4o1bRliadKIIzTXC-6OJ80VIM8ZnUBT1jyQ=&c=JT76mXPeK99HZonwXf_uy4TL_AiNjc9nI5oxgW9-0Dpky1vtUDHM_w==&ch=CE_YgC5tlpPWoKjdj8E9EzVwQ7Ar0PYWD6w05tIzT9EkPWHzwXtCcQ== or by check payable to Kennedy Heights Arts Center.
Online submissions will be accepted until October 23, 2013. Artists should email a completed entry form and jpeg images to curator@kennedyarts.org. All digital images must use a minimum resolution of 300dpi. Label images with last name and title of work.
Artists are invited to submit up to three pieces with a non-refundable entry fee of $25. Members of the Kennedy Heights Arts Center's Guild may submit a maximum of four pieces at no cost. Fees can be paid online via Paypal at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001H0ruZqm8y6StgEFpGKDrLvbit1I9GhFdQcmY89uT-eClNEBY57j6Sb8uT0jL9sXYcgzAn7bio4DNmu85G05bd8MRxPOBekxb7Ta4QZ60KljJFxHMmIt-JKu_gMEZTj8lvzHHj8IXRq9CpYNSnJKRA_t3C2CxushT_F8yY71N8dLg_x_EOY3SpGDUWJ-2tvh6zvQsQIRr4o1bRliadKIIzTXC-6OJ80VIM8ZnUBT1jyQ=&c=JT76mXPeK99HZonwXf_uy4TL_AiNjc9nI5oxgW9-0Dpky1vtUDHM_w==&ch=CE_YgC5tlpPWoKjdj8E9EzVwQ7Ar0PYWD6w05tIzT9EkPWHzwXtCcQ== or by check payable to Kennedy Heights Arts Center.
Online submissions will be accepted until October 23, 2013. Artists should email a completed entry form and jpeg images to curator@kennedyarts.org. All digital images must use a minimum resolution of 300dpi. Label images with last name and title of work.
Artists who are accepted into the show are also invited to sell smaller, gift type items in the Micro Gallery Boutique which will accompany All Things Unexplained. The boutique will be open only during the run of the show, November 26, 2013 - January 4, 2014.
Click here for Artist Application Form and more details.
Tuesday - Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm
Kennedy Heights Arts Center
6546 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45213
513-631-4278 | kennedyarts.org
Saturday 11am - 4pm
Kennedy Heights Arts Center
6546 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45213
513-631-4278 | kennedyarts.org