Monday, December 19, 2011

Sketchy Sketches

'ello again.

It was nice seeing everyone at last night's Christmas party. Lots of new faces. New to me, anyway. Then again, maybe I'm the new face.

Anyhoo, I thought I'd follow Chuck's advice and post some pics for your peepers.

These are preliminary sketches I did the night before last for a friend who's writing a book about not being a slacker during your post-graduate years. Ironic she chose me, huh?

Hope you enjoy them. Have an awesome Christmas, Flag Day, or whatever you celebrate.

Here's to 2012; may the Mayans be wrong!


  1. I really enjoyed seeing your sketches!

    I got Troy a calendar that has a concept illustration of a different way the world could end each month. It is very funny.

  2. This one?

  3. That one is pretty good. I got him this one:

  4. Thanks for posting, Nick —keep up the great work!
    So good to see you Saturday!

    BTW, if it was my advice to encourage posting, I probably stole it from Christina!

  5. I think it would be great to see lots of posting from everyone! Sketches, finals, tips, comments...
