Friday, October 12, 2012

Some New Stuff

So, it's been awhile. I moved and don't live near enough to Pam to get to anywhere easily. I'll see about bringing my girlfriend to a lunch group soon. I'm also working on my license, which, when reestablished, will allow me more freedom to join you all. In the mean time, here's some new stuff. All of this is digital, save the obvious graphite piece.

Hope you're all doing well. I'll hopefully be adding more soon.


  1. Really impressive work Justin! Good to see you posting again.

    I especially like the Smaug piece. How was Gen Con for you?

    1. Thanks, Christina. It went well. The WotC guys liked my work, so we'll see how that goes.

  2. Really nice stuff, Justin! Thanks for sharing.
    I agree about the Smaug piece. Really love the details and the light and dark shapes. The charcoal dragon is great and the otter with the narwhal helmet stands 0ut too. Is that related to Redwall?

    Tell us more about the third one. Are those lizards or young dragons?

  3. Thanks, Chuck. The third one is an undead witch and her two toads, one fire-breathing, and the other ice. The otter is a character study of a character from a story I have been writing since college. Thanks alot, guys.
