Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just got a Drawing Tablet for home

I've used them at work for years, but finally couldn't deal with a mouse anymore at home. This makes sketches look oily pastely for sure. Just a quick first one, but we'll see if I make the transition to mostly digital like Ryan. I don't know what to do with the boxes upon boxes of editorial illustrations in my closets anyway. Later!


  1. That's awesome, Gabe! Looks very much like your traditional work. Are you using Painter?

  2. yeah, what Ryan said...this really matches your textures and style - nice!

  3. Nicely done. I need to use Painter more. I am a Photoshop addict...

  4. Nope just Photoshop 6 I think.. Way old, and not half the functions of CS2, which is all we have at work. I had two or 3 variations of brushes, and then added a texture and some lighting at the end, maybe 45 minutes total. I do like the feel of painter better, but new programs cost $$.
