Monday, January 23, 2012

More Year of the Dragon

As I mentioned on Chuck's post, I finished this sketch for my blog just as his amazing sketch popped up on our site. You cannot beat dragons... (Well you can, but they would toast you...)

Was anyone else similarly inspired? Anyone born in the Year of the Dragon?


  1. Love it Christina....the look on his face just screams don't mess with me or you're

    Yep....I am year of the Dragon. The last year of the Dragon(2000), I met my wife, got married, got pregnant and bought my first house.....lets see what this year

  2. Mike, They say dragons are leaders, over-achievers and a bit eccentric.
    If you got pregnant in 2000, I'd say you are all of the above.

    Great pic, Christina —thanks for sharing!

  3. Un très joli dessin que ce dragon...
    Gros bisous

  4. the grin is great, and the squinty eye really polishes it off! I'm gonna have to learn some basic French...:)

  5. Thanks everybody! I am not as ambitious as Chuck since this will be my only one... Next year is the snake so until then :)

    Wow Mike! Sounds like the dragon works for you! I just read an article that they expect a baby boom in China this year so people can have dragon babies.

  6. Very nice, Christina! I like the flow of this one. Reminds me of one of the images on your covers thing. The one with the dragon head dominating the image. That face is great!
