Saturday, June 13, 2009

CityBeat Art by Jerry Dowling

From Jerry: CityBeat this week. I'm supposed to stick with loacl subjects, but I figured Columbus is close enough plus Tiger is big news anywhere. I used the Nike 'SWOOSH' icon as the basis for this one.


  1. Great piece - definitely got that Dowling Flair working!

  2. I like it!

    I would like to see more sports cartoons by Dowling featuring croquet, bocce ball and corn hole.

    If you ever find yourself incarcerated and someone asks you if you'd like to play corn hole, your answer should be no.

    It is not the same game as the one played with bean bags.

  3. Ha! Good to know, Daryll.

    I, too, would like to see a Dowling cartoon featuring cornholers - the beanbag variety.

  4. Notice Jerry's classy silence on the dark turn of these comments.
