Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Greeting Card Cronicles #2

In an attempt to break Steve Meek's one day record for blog posts on this site, I bring you my third entry of the day , "You Can't Do That On A Greeting Card In 2009!"

I am amazed at what we were able to get away with "back in the day". I probably created the above card in 1984 or '85.

I doubt if any of the mainstream companies would have Easter cards featuring gunplay these days. Especially when it portrays a hunter shooting at a little old lady walking to church!

There also used to be a ton of graduation cards featuring drinking.

In our next greeting card expose', we'll look at a card I did that an incarcerated felon thought was the funniest greeting card he had ever seen!

Stay tuned...


  1. I'd buy this card without thinking! (Which, I suppose, is the appropriate response.)

    I've been itching for a long time now to start my own line of "inappropriate" greeting cards. There's always going to be an American appetite for vulgarity.

    As to your drinking observation, nothing makes me sadder than the modern purposeless of Hi and Lois' lost soul "Thirsty" Thurston.

  2. It's so politically incorrect, we all laughed out loud here...

  3. Life was so much more fun when we could be politically incorrect. What IS this world coming to!
    I'm dying to know what card an incarcerated felon thought was so funny (if it wasn't Sophie's Easter Bonnet).

  4. I hate to be the one to say it, but mixing guns and Easter is not exactly new. Isn't Charlton Heston in every one of those Bible epics that get broadcast every Easter Sunday?

  5. I forgot to add —excellent drawing!

  6. HAHA good stuff this is the S#!T Daryll,
    I agree with inmate 8675309-- Good stuff!


  7. Such a funny Greeting card looking great...
    Plastic Business Cards
    Plastic Cards
