Saturday, February 27, 2010
Favorite Artist
Friday, February 26, 2010

Hi all. I just wanted to share with you the first video my production company, Plum St. Productions, LLC, created for our latest clients, the Cincinnati Rollergirls. We've got many more videos on the way.
Check it out HERE!
Discussion: Favorite or Most Influential Artist (On You as an Illustrator)
While it is hard to narrow it down to one, I will start off and say Francisco Goya is one of my favorite artists of all time.
Why? I love that he was basically a working illustrator who secretly did a ton of subversive, personal art about the hypocracy he saw around him (but kept it secret so not to upset the King and nobels who paid for his work). He had a varied and interesting range. From doing painted sketches and designs for tapestries to the "Disasters of War" series-what a facinating career!
Who are your favorites and biggest influences?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen
Boy, are they hard to find.
Get one at Hyatt's Art Supplies for $17.
This appears to be the same product, available through Amazon.
Dick Blick art supplies is cheaper, but out of stock until March.
I love these things. Especially for on-the-scene sketching.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Illustrator/designer needed
It kills me to have to turn down this job, but I'm throwing it open to folks here to follow up if they'd be so inclined. The job is for a small local agency doing a limited edition print for Drake Hospital having to do with first responders - Fire, EMS and Police - in some sort of commemorative composition; the roll out for this will be an event featuring Rudy Giuliani sometime in May, so the deadline is of course a bit tighter than ideal. The three departments featured will represent the City of Cincinnati with some reference to local landmarks in the piece, and I can certainly help out with reference on fire and ems personnel, gear, vehicles etc and probably some cop stuff also. This could be a nice high-profile piece, but does not come with a corresponding great budget; they're interested in a donated piece but it sounds like there's probably some room to negotiate a fee. If you're interested, please contact Larry Davis at 513-385-3370 or as soon as possible. Also feel free to give me a call at 513-248-1550 for further details. PS a design- or photo-oriented solution is not out of the question...they're open to ideas.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
100 Awesome Open Source Tools
Although the page talks about writers and bloggers, it also has links to free, open-source graphic and Web design programs. "Gimp," for instance, does basically anything Photoshop can do.
"Open source," of course, means these programs are entirely legal to share and distribute.
I hope this is useful to somebody.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Work Cartoons
But anyway, here are a couple of spot cartoons they've been using in the background for various presentations.

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Life Drawing
Open Life Drawing at Xavier
Every Thursday (except for holidays, spring break and the summer) we have a model from 6-9PM. There is no model on March 4th which happens to fall during spring break or April 1st which is our Easter Break. We finish up on April 22nd.
We do one long three hour pose so that people can paint or sculpt as well as the customary sketch. Each session is $7 or $30 for all 12-13 for the whole semester. Its pretty low-key, but lots of fun.
If anyone is interested in checking it out, drop me an email and I will send the maps that Bruce provided that show where the studio is on campus and where to park.
Other Life Drawing Opportunities
Manifest Gallery also offers open life drawing sessions. Chuck, Oliver and Paula have attended them and can perhaps give more details about the group and pose lengths.
Dr. Sketchy's is a life drawing group with themed poses and costumes, which is a fun change of pace. They are the 2nd Thursday each month at Leapin Lizard Gallery. The next one is March 11th from 8-11ish. You can get regular updates from the meetup site. Many of us have attended these as well and they are a lot of fun.
I know there are some other groups as well through the Art Academy and Cincinnati Art Club. If anyone wants to recommend a group, post it!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Shepard Fairey Opening

Show is open through August 22 I believe, and is sure to be a pretty decent show.
And simply because posts are more fun with art attached, here are some illustrations I did at work to label brand archetyping or in our case...Rocketyping.

I've gotten interested in the area of art licensing, so I'm starting to learn what all that entails. This is an experiment using one of a series of silly birds that I've been drawing. I wanted to see what I could do with it in some sort of pattern. Just playing, but would like to hear critiques-I know there are imperfections in the corners-I haven't learned all the techniques yet. Also, have any of you worked in this area? Know anyone who is?
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thanks Christina - just went out and dug the paper out of the snow. The best thing about this poster was having the opportunity to collaborate with our own Chuck Rekow - great guy, excellent designer and consummate gentleman under pressure. He contributed the type & border design and color and the poster is by far the better for it...thanks, Chuck! I usually get vast amounts of these every year; the Heart Assoc. would be pleased to receive any contribution, and I would be pleased to deplete the number I have to store someplace.
I obviously can't figure out the formatting rules of this site, but I have to include a pic of Chuck's incredibly cute daughters and their field trip to Merten printing. It's set in stone - now that they've had that exposure to the magical aroma of ink & amp; two of the youngest graphic artists of the next generation:

Loomis Downloads
Here's a link to pdf downloads of the Andrew Loomis books.
Press: Article about John Maggard and Mini-Marathon Poster
Hopefully John will post an image of the poster here (hint, hint). The article also includes a nice gallery of all the previous posters.
We have seen the some of the design process of this poster here on the blog with the comp.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Concept Sketch-Not So Nice Queen Marries Dubious King
Monday, February 15, 2010
Visual Literacy Program
John Maggard, Bill Cigliano, and Chris (CF) Payne

Here are some pics from the event for the group.
If you want my two cents or the links I posted head over to my blog.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
City Beat

Cover for City Beat this week. play on Rockwell’s “First Love” image for a story about older gay couples.
Thanks to my friend Woody for helping me brainstorm on this one on the fly.
It was initially oil and color pencil, scanned that, and finished digitally. I didn’t want to approach it as an imitation of Rockwell, because I simply would just not win that match. So, I stole his composition and tried to keep the posture of the two figures similarly. I also had to make some changes to make sure it looked like two men and not a man and a boy….that would be trouble.
So, I took a little of the “cute” out of it, so now it plays as simply a nod to Mr. Rockwell for those who are familiar with the image. And for those who aren’t, I still think it gets the message across in a fun way.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Special Lunch This Week-February 17th
More info:
We will meet at Betta's the usual time of 11:30 and head to the gallery afterward.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
12 Hours of Sebring

Getting Over Him In 8 Songs or Less
This Sunday, February 14 at 7:30pm on HBO2 will be the premiere of Debra Solomon's film entitled "Getting Over Him In 8 Songs or Less," which DarcyVDesign contributed to. Debra is a highly creative director who is also responsible for bringing the animated Lizzie McGuire to life.
Here is a link to an interview of her at Movie Maker magazine:
Enjoy, and don't forget to watch it!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Clients!!!!!!!! How to deal with them.
Best Place to Get Quality Prints Made
On the topic, good places for postcards, smaller prints and other materials are also welcome. I get this question a lot.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here's what I'm working on tonight...
This is the chosen sketch for an article on seeing disabled people in the workforce as an advantage rather than a burden. The woman in the illustration will be a portrait of the article's author--mother of two daughters with disabilities and avid speaker on the subject!
I'm starting this right after dinner :~)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Science, Medicine and Nature

Zombie Hard Drive, or Hard Drive Failure
I've got a Western Digital external hard drive: WD5000E035-00, to be precise. I use Windows XP on a Dell with a Pentium 4.
Overnight, the hard drive stopped working.
The little green light on the power cord keeps blinking. I replaced the USB cord with one that I know works, into a USB outlet that I know works. I plugged the hard drive into my wife's computer.
And yet neither the Device Manager, nor My Computer, recognizes that I even have a hard drive anymore.
What happened?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Zombie Paula!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tim Fuller-Zombie Portrait
DC The Zombie
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Kid Friendly Image
Announcement: Blog List
If you want to be on this list, let me know and I will add it! (I know my blog is is sparce so far. I just started it to replace the "News" page on my website.)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Need critique of compositions

Press: Article in Soapbox Media about Local Illustrators